Skin Blemish/Lesion Removal

How Does it Work?

The treatment process is done using a tiny needle/probe which is heated up via an electrical current. This produces heat which is used to cauterise the lesion or blemish in a neat and minimally invasive manner. Some individual blemishes can be safely and completely  removed.

Is it painful?

The discomfort level varies depending on the size, location/proximity and attachment of the lesion. Anaesthesia is generally not needed but available if required. Results are generally very good with little or no marks left on the skin after the healing period which can take between 5 days to a couple of weeks – relevant to what has been removed.

Treated lesions/blemishes do not return however new ones may form depending on the underlying cause. No recovery time as such is needed and you can return to work or your daily life as normal immediately after treatment. However, if the area being treated is on your face, you may wish to plan ahead to allow for post treatment healing time.

Conditions we treat

Skin Tags

Skin Tags can be a hindrance, are often unsightly and cannot be disguised. They are usually found in areas around the eyes, neck, underarms, under the bust, groin and buttock areas, or any area where there is friction. Skin tags are very common and are benign growths which, in most cases, look like a piece of soft hanging skin which projects from a narrow stalk. Sometime they can be flatter with a thicker attachment to the skin, but even in this case they can still be removed safely and permanently. Once removed and healed, the skin will be soft and smooth once more where the tag has been with no scarring, however very occasionally there is a possibility of a slight change in skin colour at the site of removal of tags with thicker, flatter attachments.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Seborrhoeic keratoses (SK) are benign growths which are not infectious and do not become cancerous, they are sometimes referred to as brown warts. They are due to a build-up of skin cells and can grow quite large in size. SK can affect all age groups with some people only getting a few whilst others may get many. There are no symptoms associated with SK however they do sometimes itch, become inflamed and catch on clothing. They have a rough surface and range in colour from pale raised skin to brown to even dark brown or black. Small flat SK can often become more raised and larger through time and some can look like small pigmented skin tags. They can be found most often on the trunk, head and neck areas in varying numbers.


Milia are small, white (or sometimes pale yellow) spots that usually appear around the eyes, on the cheeks, eyelids, forehead and anywhere on the face where there is general dryness. Apart from making people worry about their appearance, milia aren't harmful and don't need to be medically treated in any way. They are usually due to the skin’s natural secretion process being blocked by dead skin cells. As this process naturally continues, the keratin and sebum produced form a hard white bump under the skin, and this just gets bigger until it is visible on the surface of the skin. Once it becomes visible it can easily be professionally removed and once healed the skin is left smooth and clear.

Solar Lentigine/Age spots

Age Spots are most commonly called liver spots or solar lentigo. They are harmless, flat discolorations and are associated with older skin and sun damage. They present as flat, round or oval areas of increased pigmentation, vary in size and may be singular or clustered. Found on all skin types they are often located in areas most often exposed to the sun, in particular the backs of the hands, face, shoulders, arms and scalp if bald. They are caused by an accumulation of a yellow pigment called lipofuscin from ageing of the collagen producing cells. In spite of being benign and flat, many people consider them unsightly, especially as they are associated with ageing. The appearance of a sun spot is generally slow. If an age spot appears very suddenly. With an unusual combination of colours, is increasing in size of has irregular border medical advice should be sought before treatment commences.

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

DPN is a harmless popular disorder, which develops in adolescence and only in Fitzpatrick skin types V and VI. This is a very common disorder and the famous actor Morgan Freeman has many of these on his face. Found on the face and upper body these lesions are multiple, smooth, domed shaped brown to black papules and can be 1-5mm in diameter. Historically they are identical to sebhorrhoeic keratosis. The cause is unknown although there is a strong genetic basis for this skin condition. They are easily and successfully treated using diathermy and ACP techniques.


Syringoma are benign eccrine sweat duct tumours which is caused by an overgrowth of the cells from the sweat glands. They present as small flesh coloured or yellowish bumps which range from 1-3mm in diameter and are firm to the touch. Syringoma are typically found around the eyes, including the eyelid, and although the cause is not exactly known, it is thought that they may be hereditary. They are completely harmless and can appear at any age although usually occur after puberty. They tend to occur in clients with an oily skin type, or those working in a moist, hot environment. Syringomas can develop in people of any race and of either gender although more females are commonly affected. This condition is easily treated with ACP


Xanthelasma are deposits of fatty material (cholesterol fat) under the skin. Xanthelasma present as soft, creamy yellow blemishes which range in size from a few millimetres to a few centimetres. They often appear yellow to red in colour, usually occurring in clusters. They are usually painless but can be unsightly and found on or around the eyelids. The exact cause of Xanthelasma is unknown but is typically associated with an elevated cholesterol level. Xanthelasma can be treated with ACP and will reduce in size and appearance although the milky colour can remain and more than one treatment is often required over a period of time. This will be discussed with you at consultation.

Sebaceous Cysts

A Sebaceous Cyst is a common benign (non-cancerous) nodule of the skin. These are painless, slow growing small bumps or lumps that move freely under the skin and to the trained eye usually easily diagnosed by their appearance. They may have an open or closed top and treatment is dependent upon the size and location. Sebaceous cysts are caused by a retention of keratin trapped under the surface of the skin trapped within a sebaceous sac, which is created from dead skin cells. They can also be formed from swollen hair follicles, blocked glands, skin trauma and higher levels of testosterone in the body. Although they are harmless, clients usually want the removed as they can be unsightly. If the Cyst is small, the gentlest and least invasive method is ACP which will initially reduce the size of the growth as it is not always possible to remove all the contents of a cyst during the initial treatment. Every cyst is very individual in nature so it may be necessary to require further treatment to reduce it further.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasis is a benign little bump on the skin and is the term used for enlarged sebaceous glands. These lesions are harmless and do not require medical treatment and appear as small yellow bumps most often on the forehead and the central part of the face. Upon close inspection they reveal a central hair follicle surrounded by yellowish lobules which are usually smooth and shiny, although occasionally they present as rough. It is uncommon to have several of these bumps at once, sometimes spaced apart, but they can be clustered too. These bumps are a result of damaged which leads to overproduction of the sebaceous glands which become enlarged or blocked.

Warts-Common, Plane, Filiform

Warts are benign (non-cancerous) rough viral lumps on the skin. They are normally a similar colour to the skin but can be slightly pigmented. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which causes the protein keratin in the top layer of the skin to grow too much. Warts are usually acquired from person-to-person contact. The virus is not highly contagious but can cause an infection by entering a small break in the skin. There are several warts such as Plane warts are warts which present with a flat surface which can itch. Common warts appear as raised, rough, thick bumps – usually an infection in the top layer of skin caused by the HPV virus. Filiform warts are long and slender in appearance and are brown, pink, yellowish or flesh coloured and usually found on the face, neck, eyelids and nose. Plantar warts, known as verruca’s found on the foot. All warts are treatable with ACP but may take more than one attempt.

Small Benign Moles

Moles are small coloured, or colourless growths or patches on the skin that form due to a collection of cells called melanocytes, which produce the colour (pigment) in your skin. Most moles are completely harmless; however, they may be unsightly and affect your confidence, catch on clothing or get irritated against clothing. GP’s will not remove benign moles, as this is classified as a cosmetic procedure, but with a doctor’s advice certain moles may e treatable with ACP. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some have a hair growing from them. There are certain characteristics which enable us to distinguish a normal mole from and unusual mole. If requiring removal with ACP a doctor’s letter needs to be produced beforehand by the client to clarify that this mole has been checked over and considered benign.


Verruca (plantar wart) usually develop on the soles of the feet and the affected area of the skin will be white, often with a tiny black dot (blood vessel) in the centre. They can be flat rather than raised and can also be painful when weight bearing that part of the foot. Sometimes, if you have clusters of verrucas, they can fuse together – these are called mosaic warts. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) causing the protein keratin in the top layer of the skin to grow too much. The infection is usually obtained through a small break in the skin and although not highly contagious, hygiene is of the highest importance to avoid cross infection and if not treated they may spread.

Before and After

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